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Amongst Friends Support Group

Amongst Friends Support Group
- with Marny Williams

In 2002, my life was changed forever…my husband died after a short six-week battle with cancer and I became a widow and solo mom of 2 young children. Grief was a journey that took me by surprise and most days left me feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted – emotions that I wasn’t comfortable with nor knew how to cope with. I was able to find a support group and at my first meeting I was filled with nervous anticipation about being there and didn’t know what to expect. When I left that night, I was amazed at how empowering the group was. I was surrounded by people that understood me and my grief on a different level than my friends and family could ever hope to. This group gave me the strength and courage to continue to work through each new day. 

I always knew that I wanted to give back to the community that supported me, so after a few years I was given the opportunity to facilitate support groups and my passion for companioning those in grief grew. I have had the distinct privilege of working with and learning from bereaved individuals for the past 17 years. I am honoured to be a part of the team at Henry Walser Funeral Home and to do what I can to support you in your grief journey.

I look forward to meeting you. 

Marny Williams

Complimentary Bereavement Services offered through Henry Walser Funeral Home
After the death of our loved one, facing everyday life without them present can bring on emotions and struggles that leave us feeling devastated and drained. C.S. Lewis said it best, “No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear”. The death changes your life forever and can leave you feeling isolated, but you do not have to journey this alone. There are people and supports available in your community to help.

Confidential One to One Support with Marny
During your one hour session we will talk about how the loss of your loved one has dramatically changed your life. We can explore any challenges or struggles you are experiencing as you work to rebuild your future. Marny will share some practical information, knowledge and resources that are available to help you cope with your loss.

Amongst Friends Support Group
Grief can be an isolating experience and finding others that truly understand what you are coping with is often difficult. Support groups are an amazing opportunity to come together and discuss your shared experience. One of the biggest advantages is the awareness that you are not alone in your grief; others are experiencing the same pain and heartache as you.

During this group we will discuss a variety of topics ranging from understanding your grief, coping with emotions, adjusting to the loss, changes in relationships and surviving the holidays.

Together we will learn, share ideas, and provide emotional encouragement for one another in an accepting and comfortable atmosphere.
A 6-8 week support group that is offered throughout the year at varying times. 

For more information on these supports or to register, please contact Marny Williams at
Williams.marny@gmail.com or call the Funeral Home 519-749-8467

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