In Memory of





Condolence From: Lorinda Christian
Condolence: Sandy, Our thoughts are with you in this time of loss. I know that your father would have been so proud of you and the support you gave him and your Mom. It would have meant everything to him that you were with him at the end. Keep strong and know we are all thinking about you. Love Lorinda, Ron, Alexa and Ryley
Sunday August 08, 2010
Condolence From: Jacqueline Wright and Family
Condolence: Dear Mrs. Pye, Donna-Marie, Sandy and Glenda and all your families, I was so sorry to hear about Mr. Pye's passing. As I thought about him as a fixture in the neighbourhood I couldn't help but smile. I have so many wonderful memories! His big smile and his always perfect hair are the two things that stand out! He loved being a Grandpa as much as he adored his girls. We were sorry to see you go when you moved away from Fairview Drive, but 316 will always be, "The Pye's House". We are thinking of all of you at this sad time. Take good care, Jacqueline and family
Sunday August 08, 2010
Condolence From: Paul and Laura
Condolence: Dear Evelyn, Donna-Marie, Sandy, Glenda and families, Our memories of Roger from the days when we are all young kids; were his big smile , hearty laughter and great support for all of us as we grew up. I know how important you have all been to him over the last few years while he battled so courageously. Your love and support were of great comfort to him and I know he is now in a better place. Our thoughts are with you all. Paul, Laura, Jarrett and Jim
Sunday August 08, 2010
Condolence From: Fred and Suzanne Dittrich
Condolence: Dear Evelyn and Family: We have so many good memories of Roger.He was a true gentleman in every sense of the word. He loved Golf and he love talking politics, but his eyes really sparkled when he talked about "his girls". We can picture him dancing with the love of his life "Ev" at Peridia Golf Club. He was quite Dapper. We will miss his Canadian "EH",his big smile,and his love of the Big Band Sounds. Our winters in Florida will be diminished by his absence. We miss you and we love you Roger. Fred and Sue
Friday August 06, 2010